
ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Apraxia: Learners with Apraxia typically have difficulty saying sounds, syllables and words, to do with the brains planning of how to move the body parts needed for speech. The child knows he/she/they wants to say but the brain does not give them the necessary instructions.

Articulation Disorder: Learner with AD have difficulty with the production of speech. This is often due to difficulties with the integrations of movement in the lips, tong or pharynx

Assistive Technology: Software, hardware, devises or services that improve the functional skills and abilities of students with additional needs.

BKSB: Basic Key Skills Builder

CReSTeD: The Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Children.

Chronological Age: Is an individuals actual age, usually stated in years and months.

COSMo: Coordination, Sensory, Motor planning activities

Decoding: The ability to use letter / sound relationships to translate the written word into the spoken word. It is commonly described as the ability to “sound out”

Functional Skills Qualifications: Assess practical skills in English, Maths and ICT

Holistic:  Relating to the whole person, so including mental, emotional, physical, social, spiritual and environmental aspects.

IDL: Interdisciplinary Learning / computer based individualised programme for reading, spelling and maths used by pupils in KS2 and year 7

ILP: Individual Learning Plan is a detailed plan which sets out the current level of functioning, the targets and the strategies that will be put into place to enable the learner to work towards the outcomes identified (within the EHCP)

Phonemes: The individual sounds within a word.

Phonemic awareness: The ability to differentiate between individual sounds within a word e.g. cat versus mat.

Phonological Awareness: This includes the ability to identify and manipulate sounds in words e.g. knowing that the word ”sit” includes 3 sounds (s, i, t) and that changing the first sound /b/ makes the word “bit”

Phonological Memory: is temporary storage of phonological information in the short term memory.

Phonological Processing: is the ability to use phonological information to process written and aural language
Phonology: the set of rule that determines how sounds are combined to make words.

Reading Comprehension: Understanding of the information read within a text.

Reading Fluency: A measure of the accuracy and speed of reading.

SENDCo: Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator.

SENDIST:  Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal: the panel that rules on contested applications for LEA funding.

Sequencing:  The ability to understand and carry out a sequence of instructions (do this, then do that).

Short Term Memory: Is often called working memory because it is use for remembering a small amount of information for immediate use.

Sight Words: Words that are memorised or easily recognised without the need to sound out.

Specialist Provision: The top category awarded by CReSTeD, for schools whose primary function is to teach dyslexics.

Specific Learning Difficulties: This term is used to indicate that the learning difficulties are not ‘general’, but are specific to certain skills, e.g. reading and writing (dyslexia); developmental co-ordination disorder (dyspraxia); and arithmetic (dyscalculia).

SpLD:  See Specific Learning Difficulties

Synthetic Phonics: A method of teaching reading which first teaches the letter sounds and then builds the sounds together to achieve pronunciation of complete words.

TTRS: Touch Type Read & Spell, touch typing programme used throughout the school